Membership Benefits
Representation and Negotiation North American-Wide As an international union, we can service you wherever you go! If you want or need to move to a new location anywhere in North America, we can help you land on your feet with a new job – allowing you to maintain your health insurance and continue building your […]

Pension Plan
Plan Overview The Cement Masons’ Pension Plan is one of the key benefits of being a OPCMIA Local 919 Union member, enabling you to have added income once you retire. If you are working as a Cement Mason or Plasterer under a Cement Masons’ or Plasterers’ collective agreement, your employer contributes to your pension — anywhere […]

Health & Welfare
The OPCMIA Local 919 Union offers all its members a Health Benefits Plan, also called the Welfare Plan, to help cover the costs of medical expenses. The Welfare Plan is financed entirely through contributions from contracting employers under collective agreements negotiated by the Union. Joining the Plan You are eligible to join the Welfare Plan […]

Pay Your Union Bills
Why do I pay dues? The Cement Masons’ & Plasterers’ Union runs on member dues to benefit all members. These funds are used to support members in a wide variety of ways, including: negotiating for strong Agreements and enforcing your rights under these Agreements, organizing new members to improve bargaining strength, providing training and education […]

Code of Conduct
Both the Union and contractor have responsibilities. For the Code of Conduct to be mutually beneficial, both parties must take their respective duties seriously, and communicate with each other constructively and on a consistent basis. Responsibilities Under the Code The Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association Local 919 stands for: Craftsmanship; Prosperity; Responsibility. The […]

Planning for Retirement
How the Plan Works It is advisable that you consult a financial planner to help you plan your money needs. If you retire at age 65, the odds are that you will live at least 20 years or longer and you will need to be able to pay your bills with only your retirement income. […]