The OPCMIA Local 919 Union offers all its members a Health Benefits Plan, also called the Welfare Plan, to help cover the costs of medical expenses.
The Welfare Plan is financed entirely through contributions from contracting employers under collective agreements negotiated by the Union.
- Contributions to the Welfare Plan are paid after every month you work for an OPCMIA Local 919 signatory contractor and are received in the Plan office on approximately the 15th of the following month.
- The Plan is an “hour bank” system meaning any money paid on your behalf is recorded to your account as credited hours. These hours can accumulate and are used to pay your health insurance premiums at a rate of 120 hours per month.
Joining the Plan
You are eligible to join the Welfare Plan when you meet the following:
- You have worked under a Cement Masons’ or Plasterers’ collective agreement for at least three months.
- You have accumulated 360 or more hours in your hour bank.
- You are a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant.
- You are enrolled or have applied to enroll in the Medical Services Plan of BC (or another province)
- You are a member in good standing*.
*Note: To be in good standing, you must have paid required initiation and registration fees and you must not owe any dues.
When you meet these qualifications, the Plan office will send you a packet including all necessary application forms. You will be asked to provide proof of your identity.
You will become a covered member at the beginning of the month after the Plan office receives all properly completed application forms and proof of identity.
Why do I have to apply?
Because health benefits are provided through insurance contracts, insurance companies require you to complete an application. The Welfare Plan is also obligated to obtain proof of identity.

What kind of benefits are included?
Several extended health benefits are available to you, your spouse and any dependent children under the age of 19*. These include:
- Prescription drug fees (some restrictions apply) directly at the pharmacy.
- Hospital room fees for private or semi-private rooms.
- Emergency ambulance costs (including air ambulance).
- Services by most medical practitioners to a maximum charge per year. (Chiropractor or physiotherapist fees are covered to a maximum of $500 per year, for example.).
- Medical aids such as crutches.
- Most emergency dental repair services.
- Prescription eyeglasses to a maximum of $350 every two years.
Emergency medical expenses for travel outside of British Columbia.
*Children between the ages of 19-25 attending full time post-secondary school may qualify.
Note: You must call a special toll-free number for the insurance company to arrange appropriate treatment.
Life/Disability Insurance
Under the plan you are automatically enrolled in a Life Insurance program valued at $50,000 for your beneficiaries. If death is the result of an accident, the amount doubles to $100,000. Some compensation is also available for accidents resulting in a disability.
Dental Care
The plan also covers:
- 100% of basic dental care to a maximum of $2,000 per year
- 50% for major restorative services without limit
- 50% for orthodontics to a $3,000 per lifetime limit
Plan Details
Your Plan Booklet provides detailed information about your Welfare Plan benefits. Contact [email protected] to request a copy or call the Plan Administrator at 1-877-623-6368 for more information.